Killer combination: The Comet 46P/Wirtanen, Pleiades, colorful stars of Taurus and Cetus, and a huge Meteor.
After 9 years of unsuccessful attempts, I was able to capture, not just a comet, but a Geminid and a DSO all in one single frame, with my nifty fifty (50mm F1.8) and broken Canon 6D Camera.
I love challenges that come out of that cheap lens (nailing the focus the exposure time and to pick the right aperture for the job you are doing…)
I’m not into the deep sky, I love to have a foreground composition in my pictures, but also I got motivated by Rita Najm who pushed me especially that night to spot the comet and to document its presence.
—> A tip to offer for night photographers: Always have an intervalometer device with you to pick the right exposure time for your stars shooting, the camera times settings won’t help in some critical exposures.