- June 11, 2019
- Project
Following several series till date, this time we collaborated with two humanitarian heroes, Marc Torbey (member of the NGO “Offre Joie”) and Yorgui Teyrouz (member of the NGO “Donner Sang Compter”).
This series of photographs is not like the previous ones, but shares the main same objectives.
The first objective consists of sharing the stories of these two men, who are not only members of NGOs but also related by friendship; and both have a special connection with nature.
The second objective consists of showcasing the importance of preserving a virgin land: This is why Falougha was chosen, but to our surprise, once arrived to the location, we saw construction signs: this land will no longer remain intact, but five villas will be built on it.Their stories has been filmed by my friend videographer Sary Asmar:
Marc was talking about his diving accident back in 2016 which paralyzed him, and how he transformed this accident into an inspirational and optimistic story, not forgetting all his friends and family members’ support throughout all these years and acknowledging the importance of their presence in his life.
Yorgui told us about how he started as a scout little boy, then a volunteer in the Red Cross and how these experiences taught him a lot about team work and humanitarian work. Then he praised the continuous efforts of DSC team, volunteers, and donors to save lives!
Not in coincidence, we organized this series to take place during the anniversary month of DSC and the World Blood Donor day month. This is our way to thank all these beautiful souls and recognize their efforts in keeping the Humanity alive in our society.
The talk ended up with a chat between Marc and Yorgui, their friendship, their road trips, their travel experiences, and most importantly their camping outings and their relation to nature. Yorgui ended up the talk with the importance of re-planting trees in Beirut and make it green again!
Now let’s tell you about the shooting process: we wanted to portray the two guys under the Milky Way that night. Not lucky with the passing clouds that covered the sky all night, we waited for it to clear up knowing that the Milky Way was in our background but the shoot must be executed. We used two speedlights, one attached to a soft box to have a nice and soft light as a key light and one with a CTO gel on a snoot as back light to emphasize the two persons.
Note that the group picture for this project was for Marc and Yorgui with our friends who joined us later that night!
This project couldn’t be done without the efforts of all the team:
DSC member, Yorgui Teyrouz.
Offre Joie member, Marc Torbey.
Videographers, Rita Mikhael, Sary Asmar.
Project coordinator, Jessica Rahhal.