Shooting the same location or even nearly the same composition, many times, each time a year, is something that every night landscape photographer should consider.
Everything is changing throughout a year and your photo composition can go from beautiful and rich in focal points to even more beautiful and richer, as everything is changing!
Night photography can go from a full moon light to extreme darkness and starry, cloudy to a clear sky, snowy in winter, greenish in summer. Even the ambient lights can be a difference to your photograph.
Each time, and under some weather conditions or even seasonal days I try to revisit my old compositions and try to get something new and vibrant from the last shot.
Night landscape photography elements are changing each time and when you are aware of that, on top it, you have gained the knowledge of these elements and considered their changes, do not hesitate to think about your same composition.
Here are some images I took of nearly the same composition in the same spots each time with something new, delivered by the nature.